gold coin sets

Selling Royal Mint Gold Coin Sets

We want to buy your Royal Mint Gold Coin Sets. Sell Royal Mint Gold Coin Sets to M J Hughes Coins – It’s fast and easy! We are gold coin dealers based in Alton, Hampshire. Call us today for an immediate price.

A Brief History of Royal Mint Sovereign Series Sets

Over the past few hundred years, the Royal Mint has developed an international reputation as being one of the most prestigious coin producers in the world. Many other national mints struggle to match the high standards achieved by the Mint, through quality and care. The Royal Mint produced a number of official gold coin sets in the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries. Gold proof sets were produced as one off issues for a new monarch, or a change in design of the monarchs portrait.

In 1979, the Royal Mint decided to launch a range of ‘modern’ gold proof coins and sets. The first ‘modern’ gold proof coin set came in 1980 with the issue of the ‘1980 United Kingdom 4 Coin Gold Proof Sovereign Collection’. The set contained a gold proof five pounds piece (£5), a gold proof two pounds piece (£2 or double sovereign), a gold proof sovereign and a gold proof half sovereign. The coins came housed in a green leatherette presentation case, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. Each gold proof coin was encapsulated in a Perspex capsule, to protect the highly polished surfaces of the coins.

The table below shows each coin specification:

Table of weights for Royal Mint Sovereign Set

The 1981 gold proof set was slightly different to the previous year. Instead of a 4 coin gold proof sovereign set, the Royal Mint decided to issue a special 9 coin collection. The set contained a 1981 gold proof five pounds piece (£5), a 1981 gold proof sovereign, a 1981 Charles and Diana silver proof crown (Commemorating the Royal wedding). as well as a base metal proof 50p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 1p and 1/2p. All of the coins were encapsulated, and housed in a large red leatherette presentation case, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity.

The 1982 Royal Mint gold proof coin set was similar to the 1980 proof set. It contained four coins, a 1982 gold proof five pounds piece (£5), a 1982 gold proof two pounds piece (£2), a 1982 gold proof sovereign and a 1982 gold proof half sovereign. The set is known as the ‘1982 United Kingdom 4 Coin Gold Proof Sovereign Collection’. Issued in a dark blue leatherette presentation case, again, all of the coins come encapsulated, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity.

The first 3 coin gold proof sovereign set was issued by the Royal Mint in 1983. The set contained a 1983 gold proof two pounds piece (£2), a 1983 gold proof sovereign and a 1983 gold proof half sovereign. All of the coins were housed in a brown leatherette presentation case, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity.

The Royal Mint issued another 3 coin sovereign set the following year in 1984. However, the two pound piece was replaced with a 1984 gold five pounds piece. The set was known as the ‘1984 United Kingdom 3 Coin Gold Proof Sovereign Collection’. The set contains a 1984 gold proof five pounds piece, a 1984 gold proof sovereign and a 1984 gold proof half sovereign. The coins were housed in a maroon leatherette presentation case, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. This is the only time the Royal Mint has issued a 3 coin gold proof sovereign set containing a gold proof five pounds piece.

In 1985, the Royal Mint issued a 4 coin gold proof sovereign set (£5 to Half Sovereign), known as the ‘1985 United Kingdom 4 coin Gold Proof Sovereign Collection’. The years of 1986, 1987 and 1988 saw issues of 3 coin gold proof sovereign sets (£2 to Half Sovereign).

If you are looking to sell any Royal Mint gold proof sets, please feel free to get in touch with us for an immediate price. As reputable gold coin dealers, we are always interested in purchasing any unwanted coins. Selling gold coins to us is easy, fast and efficient. We pride ourselves on offering a friendly and stress free service to all our customers, with same day payment available. We will buy a single coin to an entire gold coin collection.

A masterpiece is created….

To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the gold sovereign, a completely new design was created for the 1989 sovereign series. A design similar to that of the first gold sovereign issued in 1489 was chosen.

For the obverse impression, a representation Of Ourself as at Our Coronation, seated in King Edward’s Chair, having received the Sceptre with the Cross and the Rod with the Dove, all within the circumscription ‘ELIZABETH.II.DEI.GRA.REG.FID.DEF’ can be seen.

The reverse depicts a Shield of Our Royal Arms ensigned by an open Royal Crown, the whole superimposed upon a double Rose (Known as the ‘Tudor Rose’), and with the circumscription ‘ANNIVERSARY OF THE GOLD SOVEREIGN 1489 – 1989’.

Both the obverse and reverse designs were created by Bernard Sindall.

For the first time, the Royal Mint issued a 3 coin gold proof sovereign set and a 4 coin gold proof sovereign set. The ‘1989 United Kingdom 3 Coin 500th Anniversary Gold Proof Sovereign Collection’ was issued in a red leatherette presentation case, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. The ‘1989 United Kingdom 4 Coin 500th Anniversary Gold Proof Sovereign Collection’ was issued in a black leatherette presentation case, accompanied with a certificate of authenticity. Each set is also referred to as the ‘Tudor Rose Sovereign Set’.

For subsequent years, the Royal Mint reverted back to the Benedetto Pistrucci design of St. George slaying the Dragon. However, from 1989 onwards, a 3 coin gold proof sovereign set and a 4 coin gold proof sovereign set were issued. Please see the table below detailing the mintage figures of Royal Mint sovereign sets from 1980 to 2008:TableofMintageperYear

2002 United Kingdom 4 Coin Gold Proof Sovereign Collection

To commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, the Royal Mint decided to change the reverse design of the sovereign series. This was the first design change since the 1989 sovereign set.

A ‘Shield’ design was chosen, designed by Timothy Noad. Both the 2002 3 coin gold proof sovereign set and 2002 4 coin gold proof sovereign set come with green leatherette presentation cases, accompanied with certificates of authenticity.

2005 United Kingdom 4 Coin Gold Proof Sovereign Collection

The Royal Mint changed the reverse design of the sovereign series for the third time in 2005. A new portrayal of St George slaying the dragon was created by Timothy Noad. The 2005 3 coin gold proof sovereign set and 2005 4 coin gold proof sovereign set were issued in green leatherette presentation cases, accompanied with certificate of authenticity’s.

If you are looking to sell Royal Mint gold proof sets or Royal Mint gold proof coins, please call us for an immediate price. We are always interested in purchasing gold coins. Please think of M J Hughes Coins when selling gold coins – One of the best places to sell gold coins.